First and foremost, I’m pleased to report that our 2021 golf course renovation was completed on time and on budget. Even with supply chain challenges, due to the advanced preparation and strong partnerships the project went smoothly. Golf Course Management published a story in the December issue on the renovation, Olde is New Again
A few things I would highlight on the renovation:
First, I am pleased with the eradication of the old bermudagrass. This is an extremely difficult process. We followed the data that was published in 1988, 1999 and most recently in 2001. The data from each of these bermudagrass eradication research projects demonstrated that multiple applications of non-selective herbicides at reduced rates are necessary to achieve 96-98% eradication. Furthermore, the applications need to be at least 30 days apart when the turfgrass is actively growing.
To encourage regrowth of our existing bermudgrass between herbicide applications, we provided the proper frequency and quantity of irrigation water as well as light frequent nitrogen applications. We also incorporated fraise mowing after the second herbicide application which removed approximately 1 1/2" of material. I am very pleased with our efforts and we were able to achieve 99% eradication. Only in the last few weeks have we been able to find an extremely small amount bermudgrass that survived, or common bermudagrass that established itself from seed. We will address these small areas this summer so that we can continue to provide as close to a mono turfgrass stand as possible.
As I have explained in the past, in the south common bermudagrass is similar to Poa annua in the north. Both are viable from seed and extremely difficult to keep out completely. The research that we relied upon as well as more information on the eradication process at Olde Florida can be found in the blog entry, Glyphosate Usage at Olde Florida Golf Club / Part 2
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Second Herbicide Application on Hole 1, April 2021 |
The second item I will highlight is the bunker renovation. 20% of the project budget was dedicated to the renovation. The bunkers were original construction (1992) and had lost some of their contouring. With the help of Greg Muirhead, Senior Vice President of Rees Jones, Inc., we regained the original contouring and made a few subtle changes. We used the Better Billy Bunker method of construction, which I am pleased to report has performed phenomenally. Information and videos explaining the Better Billy Bunker method can be found in the 2021 Renovation Update #2 - Bunker Renovation
Other subtle changes on the golf course are too numerous to list, but two that I would touch on are the lank bank restoration work and the lowering and expansion of numerous tees. The lake bank restoration work was a significant aesthetic improvement to the golf course. A more detailed explanation of the restoration can be found in the 2021 Renovation Update #6 - Lake Banks
The work on the tees has provided more teeing ground, better turfgrass and the reduction of tee bank slope enables a more enjoyable, shorter walk to tees from the path. More of the ancillary projects are detailed in the 2021 Renovation Update #7 - The Homestretch
12% of the renovation budget was utilized to do an irrigation update. All of the 1253 irrigation heads and the 34 field satellites were replaced. In addition to better water distribution, an advantage of the newly installed “Infinity” sprinkler is the ability to service components from the top of the head. We sold the used components to recover 16% of the cost of the new sprinklers and field satellites. The system is functioning extremely well. A more detailed report of the irrigation work performed during the renovation can be found in the 2021 Renovation Update #5 - Irrigation
The 2021/2022 Winter Golf Season
Overall the winter was good for turfgrass growth. November and December were phenomenal weather months with numerous record high temperatures. This was welcomed as it enabled us to continue turfgrass establishment. January and February did have several below average days, with more fog and cloud cover than desirable. And, on January 30th and again on the 31st we experienced our first significant frost in over 4 years. Fortunately, that is behind us and the TifTuf is flourishing with the warm weather and longer days. Information on the development and some of the positive attributes of TifTuf can be found in the 2021 Renovation Update #3 - TifTuf Bermudagrass
We are doing our best to control costs, but just as your businesses or personal budgets are experiencing, the increase in the cost of goods is creating challenges. Finding and retaining labor has been a significant challenge for all businesses. 62% of our budget is payroll and payroll related expenses so increased labor expense is significant to our bottom line. Other key areas where rising costs have been a challenge for us are fuel and fertilizer. These two items account for another 10% of our annual operating budget.
I sincerely appreciate the extremely positive feedback on our TifEagle putting greens this year. We check speed on two greens daily in the winter season and our speed has been in, or exceeded our target zone almost every day.
The greens are original construction, so they are now 30 years old. The original TifDwarf bermudagrass was replaced with TifEagle in 2000 so the current turf is 22 years old. I was onsite in 1992 so I am very comfortable in the construction and my staff and I have provided proper management for 30 years.
One recent change in management began in 2020 and repeated in 2021. In order to extend the life of the greens we have utilized the Drill and Fill and DryJect processes. Both processes provide deep aerification (7-10”) and soil modification. These practices will continue as an annual summer treatment in the future. A detailed report on the greens at Olde Florida can be found in the blog entry, Extending the Performance of 27-Year Old Putting Greens
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"Drill and Fill" on the Practice Green, April 2021 |
Finally, I want to sincerely thank the vast majority of the membership that are following proper golf car etiquette. As members you are owners, not just consumers of this wonderful facility and the playability and aesthetics of your golf course have been greatly enhanced due in part to you adhering to good etiquette. Your fellow members and I thank you!
The re-grassed course and practice areas are truly a masterpiece. Well done.