Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Today is December 21, which among other things means it’s the shortest day of the year at Olde Florida!

Today is December 21!  This is important for several reasons! First, it means Christmas is almost here! December 21 also means the winter solstice has arrived! This is a key date for those of us living in the northern hemisphere because it marks the shortest day of the year. 

The winter solstice is when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, or 23.5 south latitude, which is the day when the sun rises and sets to our south at the lowest angle. It also marks the first day of winter. Because the earth orbits around the sun on a tilted axis, between September and March the entire northern hemisphere gets less exposure to sunlight. Because of our location, it’s also not surprising that these months coincide with the seasonal influx of residents to Southwest Florida and golf play is at its peak. 

In basic terms, for turfgrass to thrive it needs sunlight, water, air and nutrients. Of these needs, the one that is least in a golf course superintendents control is sunlight. This is why an understanding of the earths rotation and the winter solstice is vital. Also influenced by the angle of the sun are air and soil temperature. Bermudagrass, the turfgrass that comprises the playing surfaces at Olde Florida, is a warm season turfgrass. Warm season grasses grow best when the average daily temperatures are above  75°F.  In addition, soil temperature, as influenced by air temperature is also important to the growth of bermudagrass. Soil temperatures above 65°F are required for significant growth, and the optimum soil temperature for root growth is around 80°F. 

 Since the duration and intensity of the sun's rays (and air and soil temperature) is out of our control, it is extremely important to have plant health peaking on this day and then do everything in our control to maintain plant health for the next 60 days or so. By March, the nighttime temperatures have increased, the sun is high enough in the sky and  the days are long enough that sunlight essentially becomes a non-factor. 

The sunrise this morning, December 21, 2021

8 and 9 are the southernmost golf holes at Olde Florida. Both play from east to west, so the sun rises to the southeast of  8 and 9 tee and it sets to the southwest of  9 green.  On the day AFTER the winter solstice, the sunrise, sunset and the angle of the sun will continue to shift to the north bringing it more over hole 1 (pictured above). This will also bring a little more sunlight to our turfgrass each day! 

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